The Hashtag Historic Newsletter

What is the #Historic newsletter?

This is the easiest way to get quality, interesting, and pertinent history delivered to your inbox from people you trust.

Jenn is a former Naval Aviator turned historian and museum professional. To say that she loves history would be a drastic understatement...and not just casual history, but well-researched and objective history.

If history is a map of the past, consider us a guide on your own journey.

How often will I receive this?

This is currently a bi-monthly roundup of interesting history articles, museum news, travel tips, YouTube videos you may have missed, and perhaps even some history podcast recommendations. There may be an occasional bonus newsletter that we release if something big happens or we have a short announcement but to promise more right now would be a historic mistake. (oh and prepare for the occasional dad joke)

Eventually, we hope to publish more often but our guiding principle will be quality over quantity.


Can I forward this to my friends?


If you know someone that enjoys quality content focused on history, travel, and exploring the past...this is for them! (plus it is completely free)

Sharing the #Historic newsletter is a sure fire way to show your friends you care...and it may help us grow a bit.

As an inspirational leader once said: